characters: 61
line height: 32
size over: -19
size under: 13
size inner: -19
add space: 1
monospace: no
views: 1,190
views/day: 0.25
created: 2011-09-03
used colors: 63
colors in palette: 63
total pixels: 14,239
rating: not yet rated
version 1.1
version 1.2
downloads: 367
color statistics
color | pixels | used in characters |
0 |
#000000 rgb(0, 0, 0)
| 6892 | !"#$%&()*+,/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ |
1 |
#7c9028 rgb(124, 144, 40)
| 97 | *,/01KLR |
2 |
#74209c rgb(116, 32, 156)
| 51 | 6789DIJK |
3 |
#409094 rgb(64, 144, 148)
| 132 | 01237KLMNO |
4 |
#845098 rgb(132, 80, 152)
| 82 | 12689=>KLM |
5 |
#0cfc10 rgb(12, 252, 16)
| 277 | ,./0123LMNOPQRS |
6 |
#a4148c rgb(164, 20, 140)
| 56 | 89:@BC |
7 |
#1ccca4 rgb(28, 204, 164)
| 76 | 45GP |
8 |
#9c5424 rgb(156, 84, 36)
| 101 | !*0>C[ |
9 |
#9c0cdc rgb(156, 12, 220)
| 190 | 89:<=BCDEFG |
10 |
#9cd43c rgb(156, 212, 60)
| 104 | *+PQ |
11 |
#4c8c58 rgb(76, 140, 88)
| 306 | ,./01234KLMNOPR |
12 |
#388ccc rgb(56, 140, 204)
| 125 | 1234567GHIMNO |
13 |
#f40808 rgb(244, 8, 8)
| 684 | !"#$&'()?ABCTUVWXYZ[ |
14 |
#2cd454 rgb(44, 212, 84)
| 76 | ,4PQ |
15 |
#bc1054 rgb(188, 16, 84)
| 259 | #(); |
16 |
#c02c84 rgb(192, 44, 132)
| 82 | (89=>?@BCDX |
17 |
#90a448 rgb(144, 164, 72)
| 190 | )*+,-./KLOPQRST |
18 |
#54ac8c rgb(84, 172, 140)
| 81 | 56JKLP |
19 |
#3c4ccc rgb(60, 76, 204)
| 29 | 56GHI |
20 |
#68484c rgb(104, 72, 76)
| 199 | !"#$()*+,-/014789=>ABCDEFILTVXY[_ |
21 |
#3c14d4 rgb(60, 20, 212)
| 156 | 678 |
22 |
#08d8ec rgb(8, 216, 236)
| 47 | 34567HIJKLM |
23 |
#b42cc4 rgb(180, 44, 196)
| 69 | 78=?F |
24 |
#fcc404 rgb(252, 196, 4)
| 35 | RSTUVW |
25 |
#d42844 rgb(212, 40, 68)
| 467 | #$%&()9>?@ABCTVWXY |
26 |
#b85448 rgb(184, 84, 72)
| 216 | !"()78>ABCRSTVWXZ |
27 |
#e09410 rgb(224, 148, 16)
| 113 | /0RSTUVW |
28 |
#e41098 rgb(228, 16, 152)
| 173 | 89:;?@ABCDE |
29 |
#e804e8 rgb(232, 4, 232)
| 135 | 9?ABCDEFG |
30 |
#c4fc04 rgb(196, 252, 4)
| 137 | -/0PQRSTUV |
31 |
#34a850 rgb(52, 168, 80)
| 59 | ,4OPR |
32 |
#04fc4c rgb(4, 252, 76)
| 58 | /01234KLMNOPQ |
33 |
#1434e4 rgb(20, 52, 228)
| 61 | 56789FGHIJK |
34 |
#944ccc rgb(148, 76, 204)
| 63 | 8=>?GK |
35 |
#fc3004 rgb(252, 48, 4)
| 54 | &()STUVWXY |
36 |
#10b4e4 rgb(16, 180, 228)
| 73 | 345678GHIJKL |
37 |
#6c78bc rgb(108, 120, 188)
| 63 | 78GJKMN |
38 |
#5cfc04 rgb(92, 252, 4)
| 105 | ,/01NOPQRST |
39 |
#7c7050 rgb(124, 112, 80)
| 73 | )*+-/01278CIMNOT |
40 |
#04fcec rgb(4, 252, 236)
| 164 | 1234567HIJKLMNO |
41 |
#2868cc rgb(40, 104, 204)
| 98 | 3456GHI |
42 |
#04fca4 rgb(4, 252, 164)
| 117 | 012345JKLMNOP |
43 |
#44a4bc rgb(68, 164, 188)
| 138 | 3567GHIJKP |
44 |
#e0a83c rgb(224, 168, 60)
| 63 | /STU |
45 |
#68e438 rgb(104, 228, 56)
| 29 | Q |
46 |
#680ce4 rgb(104, 12, 228)
| 48 | 89CDEFGH |
47 |
#c4743c rgb(196, 116, 60)
| 95 | /01RSTUVWZ[ |
48 |
#74c844 rgb(116, 200, 68)
| 20 | P |
49 |
#d020b0 rgb(208, 32, 176)
| 110 | 78:?@AB |
50 |
#048cfc rgb(4, 140, 252)
| 45 | 45678GHIJKL |
51 |
#e42068 rgb(228, 32, 104)
| 102 | @ABCDW |
52 |
#f4083c rgb(244, 8, 60)
| 89 | ?ABCV |
53 |
#7448c4 rgb(116, 72, 196)
| 75 | 789>FGHJK |
54 |
#3430cc rgb(52, 48, 204)
| 120 | 6FHI |
55 |
#5494b8 rgb(84, 148, 184)
| 77 | 78HIJKMN |
56 |
#fc6004 rgb(252, 96, 4)
| 47 | STUVWX[ |
57 |
#0464fc rgb(4, 100, 252)
| 41 | 9GHIJK |
58 |
#fc0074 rgb(252, 0, 116)
| 53 | ;?ABCD |
59 |
#ec383c rgb(236, 56, 60)
| 29 | ASTVW |
60 |
#0cf870 rgb(12, 248, 112)
| 53 | KLMNOP |
61 |
#a414bc rgb(164, 20, 188)
| 125 | CDEF |
62 |
#0448fc rgb(4, 72, 252)
| 53 | GHIJK |
63 |
#1800fc rgb(24, 0, 252)
| 202 | DEFGHI |
font file: size 14.8 kB,
last modified 2023-01-03
See also
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